Solar pool heating and control system.

The Idea of this project was born in the middle of this years (2005) summer. Mainly reason was, that this summer was’nt a real summer in Gernamy :-) and the sun was to weak to heat up one of my friends pool more than 18-20 °C. 

So my Friend did the piping work of the Solar heating pipes on the roof and I started up with the controller part.

Since this project ist still under evaluation we have to wait until next summer, which will be hopefully a great summer, to see how our system is working and we will than sure enjoy a nice night swim in enjoyable warm water.

There will be two valves to control and two or three temperature sensors to observe, to regulate the heating loop of how many hot water has to mixed with the pool and filter loop.




Menu mode, selecting the minimum Temp. value to open the solar heater valves. The three push button switches for the data entry are located underneath the Display. One is for selection of the different Menu options and to enter the value editor mode, one ist for positioning the curser left and cancelling edit mode and one for the right positioning of the cursor and saving the new value to the eeprom.

More detailed view of the controller board. It includes the ATMega32 MCU, the PCF8583 Clock chip which is battery backuped and connected via I2C Bus, a 1W Audio Amp. (TDA7052), DS18S20 Temperature Sensor, a MAX232 TTL to RS232 converter and of course a 7805 voltage regulator.

Layout of the controller board.

Click the picture to see a bigger format.

schows the Temperature of the first Sensor and the actual time.

Layout of the display board.

Click the picture to see a bigger format.

The relay board for switching the pumps and valves

click on the picture to se it in a bigger format.