
to my AVR Projects/Infomation site.

Updated: march 2006

First of all, I’m not an HTML programer. So please be gentle with me about this site’s construction. 


This site is for the many users which use their spare time to do some usefull things like developing Electronics, embedded MCU Software and other nice things with the great ATMEL (R) AVR MCU’S.

Consult the ATMEL page for more detailed information about their 8 Bit RISC MCU’s at: >http://www.atmel.com/

I hope you will have some usefull infomations and/or ideas for your own projects.

All AVR programming on this site was done with the codevision C compiler by HP Info Tech


(c) 2005-2006 Harald Brachschoss


Best viewed... with open eyes !