The VB code:

PC program was done in Visual Basic and was just a small job to do.

The code:


Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _
       dwMilliSeconds As Long)
Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib _
       "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _
       (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal _
       lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _
       ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize _
       As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long

Dim strRecData As String
Dim autostart As Boolean
Dim LedStatus As Boolean
Dim File As String
Dim Anzeigetext1 As String
Dim Anzeigetext2 As String
Dim Anzeigetext3 As String
Dim Anzeigetext4 As String
Dim Anzeigetext5 As String
Dim Anzeigetext6 As String
Dim Anzeigetext7 As String
Dim dataprocessed As Boolean
Dim dummy As String

Private Sub cbConnect_Click()
  If (tbRemotePort.Text <> "") And (tbRemoteIP.Text <> "") Then
   Winsock1.RemotePort = tbRemotePort.Text
   Winsock1.RemoteHost = tbRemoteIP.Text
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub cbDisconnect_Click()
  live.Enabled = False
  Winsock1.LocalPort = 0
  cbConnect.Enabled = True
  Command1.Enabled = False
  Shape1.FillColor = &HFF&
End Sub

Private Sub cbSendData_Click()
  Winsock1.SendData (tbSendData.Text)
  tbSendData.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   If autostart = False Then
       autostart = True
       Shape1.FillColor = &HFF00&
       Timer2.Enabled = True
       tbSendData.Enabled = False
       Label6.Caption = "running"
       Timer3.Enabled = True
       live.Enabled = False               ' Livetimer um die verbindung zu halten.
       Shape1.FillColor = &HFF&
       autostart = False
       Timer2.Enabled = False
       tbSendData.Enabled = True
       cbSendData.Enabled = False
       Label6.Caption = "stopped"
       Timer3.Enabled = False
       live.Enabled = True
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
  Winsock1.SendData ("S2")
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
   Winsock1.SendData ("S3")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Winsock1.SendData ("S4")
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Winsock1.SendData ("S5")
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Winsock1.SendData ("S6")
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Winsock1.SendData ("S7")
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Winsock1.SendData ("S1")
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim strtime As String
Dim strt As String
   strt = Mid$(MaskEdBox1.Text, 1, 2)
   strt = strt & Mid$(MaskEdBox1.Text, 4, 2)
   strt = strt & Mid$(MaskEdBox1.Text, 7, 2)
   strtime = "ST" & strt
   Text1.Text = strt
   Winsock1.SendData (strtime)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
   For i = 0 To 6
       Label11(i).Caption = ""
   Next i

   'Pfad der neuen ini-Datei
   File = App.Path & "\NetTemp.ini"
   Anzeigetext1 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit1")
   Anzeigetext2 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit2")
   Anzeigetext3 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit3")
   Anzeigetext4 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit4")
   Anzeigetext5 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit5")
   Anzeigetext6 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit6")
   Anzeigetext7 = INIGetValue(File, "IOTexte", "Bit7")
   autostart = False
   Label6.Caption = "stopped"
   tbSendData.Enabled = False
   LedStatus = False
   MaskEdBox1.Text = "00:00:00"
   Timer3.Enabled = False
   Label7.Caption = ""
   Label8.Caption = ""
   live.Enabled = True                    ' live timer einschalten.
End Sub
Private Function INIGetValue(ByVal Path$, ByVal Sect$, ByVal Key$) _
                             As String
  Dim Result&, Buffer$
   'Wert lesen
   Buffer = Space$(32)
   Result = GetPrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, vbNullString, _
                                     Buffer, Len(Buffer), Path)
   INIGetValue = Left$(Buffer, Result)
End Function

Private Sub live_Timer()
   Winsock1.SendData ("9")            ' dummy befehl um die Verindung zu halten.
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  Select Case Winsock1.State
   Case ckClosed
     lbStatus.Caption = "no Connection"
   Case sckResolvingHost
     lbStatus.Caption = "waiting for DNS"
   Case sckHostResolved
     lbStatus.Caption = "get IP from DNS"
   Case sckConnecting
     lbStatus.Caption = "connecting"
   Case sckConnected
     lbStatus.Caption = "Connection to " + Winsock1.RemoteHost
     Command1.Enabled = True
   Case sckClosing
     lbStatus.Caption = "closing Connection"
   Case sckError
     lbStatus.Caption = "Connection Error"
   End Select
   If Winsock1.State <> sckConnected Then
     cbSendData.Enabled = False
     cbDisconnect.Enabled = False
     cbConnect.Enabled = True
     cbSendData.Enabled = True
     cbDisconnect.Enabled = True
     cbConnect.Enabled = False
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
   dataprocessed = False
   tbSendData.Text = "1"          ' Temperatur 1
   Call cbSendData_Click
   While dataprocessed = False
       Sleep (50)
   Sleep (500)

   dataprocessed = False
   tbSendData.Text = "2"          ' Temperatur 2
   Call cbSendData_Click
   While dataprocessed = False
       Sleep (50)
   Sleep (500)
   dataprocessed = False
   tbSendData.Text = "3"          ' Uhrzeit
   Call cbSendData_Click
   While dataprocessed = False
       Sleep (50)
   Sleep (500)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
   If LedStatus = False Then
       Shape1.FillColor = &HC0C0C0
       LedStatus = True
       LedStatus = False
       Shape1.FillColor = &HFF00&
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Close()
  Winsock1.LocalPort = 0
  cbConnect.Enabled = True
  cbDisconnect.Enabled = False
  cbSendData.Enabled = False
  lbStatus.Caption = "no Connection"
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Connect()
  cbDisconnect.Enabled = True
  cbConnect.Enabled = False
  lbStatus.Caption = "connected to " + Winsock1.RemoteHost
  Winsock1.SendData ("S0")
  Call Timer2_Timer
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
  Dim ReceiveData As String
  Dim intStart, intEnd, Result As Integer
  Dim strTemp, strTemp1, strTemp2 As String
  Dim intStatus As Integer
  Dim intTime As Integer
  Winsock1.GetData ReceiveData
  Label10.Caption = Str(bytesTotal) & "  " & ReceiveData
  strRecData = strRecData + ReceiveData
  Label5.Caption = strRecData
  intStatus = 0
  intStart = 0
  intTime = 0

   intStart = InStr(1, strRecData, "<", vbTextCompare)
   intEnd = InStr(1, strRecData, ">", vbTextCompare)
   If (intStart = 0) And (intEnd = 0) Then                ' Start- und Endekennung da ?
       Label9.Caption = "Kein Start- oder Endezeichen empfangen"
       'Winsock1.SendData ("S0")
       dataprocessed = True
       Exit Sub
   End If
   If intEnd < intStart Then                              ' Mist empfangen
       Label9.Caption = "Endezeichen vor Startzeichen empfangen"
       ' Winsock1.SendData ("S0")
       dataprocessed = True
       Exit Sub
   End If
   strTemp = Mid$(strRecData, intStart + 1, intEnd - 2)
   strTemp1 = Mid$(strRecData, intStart + 1, intEnd - 1)
   Label9.Caption = strRecData
   intStart = InStr(1, strTemp, "t", vbTextCompare)
   intStatus = InStr(1, strTemp, "ST", vbTextCompare)
 '   result = MsgBox("Status: " & Str(intStatus), vbOKOnly, "Status")
 Label9.Caption = strTemp
   If intStatus > 0 Then                                  ' Status empfangen
       If Mid$(strTemp, 3, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(6).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(0).Caption = Anzeigetext1 & "an"
           Shape2(6).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(0).Caption = Anzeigetext1 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 4, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(5).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(1).Caption = Anzeigetext2 & "an"
           Shape2(5).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(1).Caption = Anzeigetext2 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 5, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(4).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(2).Caption = Anzeigetext3 & "an"
           Shape2(4).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(2).Caption = Anzeigetext3 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 6, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(3).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(3).Caption = Anzeigetext4 & "an"
           Shape2(3).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(3).Caption = Anzeigetext4 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 7, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(2).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(4).Caption = Anzeigetext5 & "an"
           Shape2(2).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(4).Caption = Anzeigetext5 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 8, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(1).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(5).Caption = Anzeigetext6 & "an"
           Shape2(1).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(5).Caption = Anzeigetext6 & "aus"
       End If
       If Mid$(strTemp, 9, 1) = "1" Then
           Shape2(0).FillColor = &HFF00&
           Label11(6).Caption = Anzeigetext7 & "an"
           Shape2(0).FillColor = &HFF&
           Label11(6).Caption = Anzeigetext7 & "aus"
       End If
   End If
   If InStr(1, strTemp, "t1", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
       Label7.Caption = strTemp & " °C"
   End If
   If InStr(1, strTemp, "t2", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
       Label8.Caption = strTemp & " °C"
   End If
   If InStr(1, strTemp, "t3", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
       Label15.Caption = Mid$(strTemp1, intStart + 3, intEnd - 5)
   End If
   intStatus = 0
   intTime = 0
   intStart = 0
   strRecData = ""
   Label5.Caption = ""
   dataprocessed = True
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
  Winsock1.LocalPort = 0
  dummy = MsgBox("Connection Error", vbOKOnly, "TCP Client")
  Call cbConnect_Click
End Sub

(sorry for the german text on the PC programs Form. :-)