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Roma Craftsmen, Roma We know of the following trades and professions occupied by Roma in Kosovo:
Car Mechanic Tailor Welder Locksmith Costume Maker Bag Maker Basket Weaver Joiner Bootblack Butcher Baker Bricklayer Construction Nurse Decorator Dustman Cleaner Employee in the land registry Bookkeeper Shoemaker Taxi Driver Waiter Electrician Trucker Hairdresser Farm Hand Knife Maker Surveyor Electroplater Telecommu-nications Engineer Caretaker Printer Footballer Postman Actor Midwife Police Officer Designer Cook Railway Employee Bus Driver with "Kosovo-Trans" Miners at Coal Mine Kacanik Gold Mines Trepca Factory Workers especially in: Battery Plant Sevcan, Tobacco Plant Gnilane, Textile Plant "Perlonka" in Prizren,
Workers and Roma Employees

Blacksmith near Plementina Photo: Herbert Heuß

Workshop near Gnijlan Photo: Herbert Heuß

Many chronicles and the Roma themselves state that the Roma in the Balkans first became famous for being blacksmiths. It is known that the Ottomans held the Roma blacksmiths in high esteem. They were attached to the army and had to pay less poll tax. Other Roma craftsmen during the Ottoman times had organised themselves in guilds.

Until the mass expulsion, which happened under the very eyes of Kfor, thousands of Roma in Kosovo were working in all kinds of trades and professions. Some, like a butcher in Vucitrin, were famous all over Kosovo.

Many were working in the mines. Some traditional trades like that of the spoon maker or the tinker have died out. Young Roma today are technicians and engineers. But many Roma were often unemployed. The ethnic quota rarely allowed getting a good job: ten openings in the public administration or industry had to be filled with five Albanians, three Serbs and two members of the numerous small minorities. Later, during the conflict between Albanians and Serbs, many Roma lost their jobs if they did not take sides for the locally stronger group.

Car Mechanic in Prizren Photo: Archive Rom e.V

Joiner in Prizren Photo: Archive Rom e.V.

Locksmith in Prizren Photo: Archive Rom e.V.

Locksmith in Prizren Photo: Archive Rom e.V.