Das untenstehende Lied stammt von einer schemurischen Bardin namens Yoon, die es 1205 n.d.K. verfaßt hat.


There is a land where we have been
It is a land West Etraklin,
A land of reason and of thought:
Shemuria this land is called.
Trolls and Orks are living there
Although they are rather rare
Like one tribe of Barbarians
Who speak just old Shemurian.


Shemuria Shemuria Shemuria Shemuria
Shemuria – Land of Good

If you once come into this land
Don´t take ev´rything in your hand
Because is could be magical
And that sometimes ends tragical.
The towers here are nice and tall
If you don´t watch then you could fall
But don´t trust ev´rything I say
´cause sometimes things go other way.


Siandra is the ruling queen
Although she´s rather seldom seen.
She´s wise and she knows no fears
Ruling for twelve-o-five years.
One maze is known from East to West
If you solve the riddles, pass the test
You will find treasures without end
In this all in all fantastic land.


Übersicht der Lieder zurück zur Bibliothek